0403 481386

Awakened Soul Retreats
Free Your Mind, Body and Spirit
Angelique hosts retreats for woman in the forest of Victoria.You will enjoy a Magical weekend with a small group of ladies in fabulous accommodation. Angelique facilitates a weekend of healing and Soul work with a splash of fun and laughter.Connect with other woman on this weekend that will create transformations.Sign up to be keep in the loop for Retreats coming up in 2023.

Are you a soulful woman who is ready to awaken your soul on this beautiful woman's retreat? You will immerse yourself in mother earth's energy in the forest while doing healings, activations and connecting with a beautiful group of woman. Catered with nourishing food all meals provided. There will also be fun and laughter, art and movement to break up the workshops and healing work. Are you ready for an amazing retreat that will transform you? Message for more information and pricing.
Next Retreat October13th -15th HEALSVILLE.